Wednesday 16 May 2012

Didn't think I'd miss it .

It is becoming a reality that TY is coming to an end's actually really upsetting .. I am going to admit I have been fed up for the past month but it just hit me there when I was reading my first ever blog post that this is all going to be gone soon. Yes there was a lot of hard work and my friends in fifth year think that this is easy compared to fifth year but TY has been I think just as stressful as third year in some aspects :L ..I actually loved every second of it though. Like yeah there were various projects I wasn't interested in but there was so many things I learned that I probably never would have learned if I didn't do TY. I would literally know nothing about the world at all :L . As we all prepare for our TY night it is becoming realistic that TY is over ? it's done but I'm happy because looking back on my blog posts I can see that I've put allot of effort into this year and the things that I've learned will benefit me for Life <3. I've made life long friends , and lets just say everything has changed ! nothing is the same as it was in that blog post from September. The advice I would give to a 3rd year coming into TY is be prepared for a change :) Its a good change though, I think this is the year you realize who you are :) whats important ! and your goals in life :) You definitely leave TY a new person ! it's a year you'll never forget. <3

1 comment:

  1. Vicky,
    Just want to thank you and all the girls in your mimi-company for the lovely blanket you gave Seamus. It's gorgeous. Have a fantastic summer and see you in fifth year!!!!

    B. Brogan
